Updated May 17, 2024
Long Covid Resources
Long Covid, also known as long-haul covid, post-covid syndrome, and PASC (post-acute sequelae of covid) , is a systemic syndrome of over 200 symptoms (https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/immune-hormonal-features-long-covid) affecting from 20% to possibly 50% of those who were infected with Covid-19. This illness is being studied intensely but is still not well understood and there are no definitive treatments. It can affect those who had covid-19 with no symptoms, mild symptoms, or life threatening symptoms. Some time after the initial infection various symptoms begin to emerge which can, in many cases, devastate a person’s life in many ways. Check out this YouTube channel for lots of good information: https://www.youtube.com/@LCCWYCD. This chart illustrates most of its possible effects. Symptoms vary for each person.

Before I go into my history with long-covid (LC) and all the things I have done to remedy this condition, I am providing these links to books, supplements, and other resources that I am asked consistently about and I decided to put them all in one place so I can just use one link. I may add more information about these links from time to time and may also add more links or suggestions. Everything else in this blog is for information purposes only and not recommendations. I am not a doctor. I suggest you research this information yourself and understand that you use any of this information at your own risk. If you read further there are more suggestions and resources for things you can try, including information on relaxation meditation, intermittent fasting, extended fasting, diet, supplements, books, daily sunlight or near-infra-red light exposure, support groups, sleep, exercise and pacing, stress and inner healing, and my story. Click on the highlighted word to go right to the post.
Because LC can affect every part of the body, it can also trigger past physical and emotional trauma which can make pain and other physical symptoms worse, can make the whole situation more stressful, and can give rise to anxiety, hopelessness, and depression, among other things. The books below can help you understand the role of past trauma in present illness and how to deal with stress and past trauma, as well as how to find peace and meaning while dealing with chronic conditions like LC.
The Long Covid Handbook by Gez Medinger
https://www.amazon.com/Long-Covid-Handbook-Gez-Medinger-ebook/dp/B09VKJ7W4P (medical)
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (emotional, spiritual)
https://www.amazon.com/The-Power-of-Now-Eckhart-Tolle-audiobook/dp/B00005AAPL/ A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle (emotional, spiritual)
The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté (trauma)
Brave New Medicine by Cynthia Li
https://www.amazon.com/Brave-New-Medicine-Unconventional-Autoimmune/dp/1684032059/ (medical, emotional, spiritual)
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk (trauma, stress)
Supplements — these seem to have helped me the most
Nattokinase and Serrapeptase (enzymes that help dissolve and remove clots and microclots)
NR – nicotinamide riboside to boost NAD in the mitochondria. Here are 2 brands I use – youwant at least 300 mg. https://www.amazon.com/Lovita-Nicotinamide-Mononucleotide-Supplement-Resveratrol/dp/B09HBCGKWV/
Lion’s Mane mushroom (helps regenerate nerves and the brain)
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnjGn4XzQII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJdtXYupIwI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY0qSymG194 suggested brand: https://getnurolift.com/
Cannabis – I recommend exploring smoking cannabis to help with sleep – maybe this is not for everyone but It has helped me tremendously. Read more in my story below. Be sure it is legal in your area.
Vitamin C – Magnesium Glycinate – lots of antioxidants
This is the history of my getting covid-19 and later suffering from long-covid, which is the post infection syndrome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This blog includes my symptoms, things I did to get better, and the recovery process. From the beginning I kept daily records of my symptoms as well as my temperature, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, doctor visits, and medical tests. My own protocol is personal and experimental and not recommended for anyone – there are always individual differences and situations to consider. I am a male caucasian of European descent. This is for information purposes only. But I believe we must all be our own health advocate in order to get the best help we can.
I live in the central valley of California and contracted the virus in December 2019 with no noticeable apparent symptoms. Shortly afterwards I developed a few symptoms including ongoing vertigo. These symptoms increased and decreased over the next year until February of 2021 when they all got worse and I developed a whole host of debilitating symptoms, many of which have lasted many months. I had many tests, saw several doctors, joined some online long-covid support groups and tried many things to help me recover. Updates for February 5, 2023 are provided below.
Sometime in late November of 2019 my neighbor with whom I share a laundry room, came down with a bad cough. I could hear her downstairs coughing all day every day for about two weeks. The cough sounded really bad. Covid-19 was not discovered in China until December 31, 2019 but there were clusters of unknown infections reported on December 12 so this virus had been around possibly much earlier. Indications are that it probably escaped China in october and was already making it’s way around the world by the time it was isolated. Covid-19 was not reported in the U.S. until January 21, 2020, But by January 30 close to 10.000 cases were reported worldwide – a tiny fraction of actual cases overall. I found out later that my neighbor worked next door to a Safeway distribution facility in Tracy, California, which had 60 reported cases in early March 2020, which means there were hundreds of undiagnosed cases connected with those alone. My neighbor tested negative for covid over a year later, as did I. I believe we both had it but could not prove it.
I never had a cough or a fever or other signs of illness. At some point during or after my initial infection I had two days of feeling very fatigued. This was a mystery but I chalked it up to low blood sugar but there was no clear reason for it. Within a couple weeks I developed vertigo, eye floaters and eye pain. I’d had a balance problem for years, as well as eye floaters, so I attributed the worsening of these conditions to ageing and other things. The eye pain when I moved my eyes around was a curiosity. These symptoms fluctuated daily, some days worse and others better, over the next year.
Long Covid
A year later in February of 2021 I started noticing that my feet and lower legs felt tense and heavy (neuropathy), especially at night and over the next few weeks the muscles there started twitching and constantly felt like they were about to cramp. Then I did start having foot and leg cramps at night. I made sure all my electrolytes were balanced but the problem continued an got progressively worse.
On February 21st I felt like I had the flu. I had felt tired and tense the day before but now it hit me hard. I had muscle aches all over my body, felt extremely tired, and the vertigo got much worse. The leg neuropathy got so bad I couldn’t sleep more than and hour at a time and had to get up every hour to walk off the crampiness and pain. My initial symptoms also included headaches, a slight cough, nausea, low body temperature, heart palpitations, skin rashes (hives), a constant runny nose, increased tinnitus, joint pain itchy skin, phantom odors, and an impaired sense of smell – over 46 symptoms in all. I will describe all my symptoms later in detail, as well as how long they lasted.
On researching my symptoms the only thing that fit my history and symptoms was post-covid syndrome – long-covid. I joined some online long covid support groups and discovered thousands of people with the same symptoms as me, most of whom had tested positively for covid-19 and now had what was being called PASC, post-acute sequelae of covid. These are the Facebook support groups I joined and there is also one on Reddit I look at:
Long Covid Support Group
Long Covid NAD+ Theory
Long Covid – Fasting + Vitamin Protocol
Long Covid Recover via Fasting
Initial Treatment
Before I knew what was wrong or could see a doctor, I started taking mega doses of vitamin C and treated my condition as an infection. I took 50 to 70 grams of ascorbic acid powder in water, in 10 gram doses ever couple of hours. This relieved the intense back pain and other muscle pains within 24 hours! I kept up this dosage for four days and them reduced it to 10 grams per day in 2 doses for about 2 weeks and then went down to my regular daily dose of 5 g per day which I have maintained for over 20 years. During these inital weeks I also did multiple daily inhalation of iodine and salt using a salt pipe. The guidelines I followed for this and vitamin C can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSt8GZ6cOl0 My first thought was I had a viral infection – it felt like the flu except I had no fever or sore throat. I was already taking many vitamins and supplements but I increased those that I felt might help.
Testing and Doctors
I got tested for covid twice in March of 2021 and both times they were negative. I got and antibody test and a T-cell test, both also negative. My GP ran several blood tests and everything was normal – I was in perfect health, except I was in dire straits. Many nights the muscle cramps, insomnia, vertigo, pain, and weakness put me on the verge of calling an ambulance. A lab error had me running to the ER one day where I got another batch of tests – X-rays, EKG, more blood tests – all normal. My neurologist acted like he thought I was nuts but suspected small fiber neuropathy, seemingly ignoring all my other symptoms. He gave me several tests, ruling out worse things, but had no diagnosis or treatment options. None of this was a surprise because I knew I was on my own from the beginning of all this, after hearing many similar stories already.
The first two months were really bad. I could barely do anything besides rest. Where I had been walking four miles a day six days a week, I could now barely walk across the room without getting exhausted. But I did lots of research. I talked with doctors over the phone but they were of no help. Being a biophysics major in college and having studied nutrition for over 50 years, I was able to understand what I was reading on most of the websites discussing the technical research into covid-19 and long-covid and the various theories and treatment options.
Theories and Protocols
There are several theories as to what long-covid is and how it affects the body. The main ones that I found early on are discussed here: https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/long-covid-likely-doesn-t-have-just-one-cause-70559
This excellent video by Dr. Galland also covers various theories and protocols https://vimeo.com/572078040 It seems that LC affects the blood vessels and capillaries and inhibits oxygen from reaching the cells, so that the tissues are suffocating. So increasing one’s intake of all antioxidants would be important. Also anything that can help reduce inflammation is very helpful and many of the foods and supplements I take help with that. Mitochondrial support is also indicated. Below is a list of whet I am currently doing and taking:
Fasting and Intermittent Fasting
Besides the early use of vitamin C, rest, meditation, ID-R and the first thing that helped me significantly was a 3-day water fast. After a month of suffering there was finally genuine improvement in every area. So I did a 3 day fast once a month for 3 months. Fasting does many things, including causing the body to go into a state of autophagy which resets the immune system, increases growth hormone, clears out toxins and debris from the blood and body, burns fat, begins ketosis, and accelerates healing. This video explains it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuOvn4UqznU A water fast must be done correctly and safely so here are some videos that go into detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DghrZNUP5vo
I am now doing one or two-day fasts twice a month and intermittent fasting daily where I only eat within an eight hour window – usually between 10 AM and 6PM. More here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrZMYVDcjZI It’s also important to make sure you get enough electrolytes while fasting. I make my own and here’s the video I used that shows you how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJzyGbLsMo
And there are other great videos on Dorian Wilson’s you tube channel, including discussions of Lion’s Mane and Ashwagandha. https://www.youtube.com/c/DorianWilson
Viral re-activation
I addressed the theory of re-activated dormant viruses such as EBV, Herpes, and others by taking monolaurin (anti-viral), curcumin (anti-viral and anti-inflammatory), and lactoferrin (supports immune function and iron metabolism) for two-week intervals. I got immediate and significant results the first time I did this. The next two times I did not notice a change. I continue to take the curcumin and lactoferrin because they have other benefits and take monolaurin and propolis every 2 months or so for 10 days.
I started taking a blend of the enzymes nattokinase and serrapeptase to dissolve any microclots and clear up the resulting debris. I took twice the dose recommended on the label. My symptoms improved noticeably right away and continue to do so, although with everything I’m doing it is difficult to say exactly what is helping the most. After a month I added lumbrokinase daily, taking the recommended dose of each. I had varicose veins on both feet before taking these enzymes and they have faded by about 80% after maybe 3 months, and may disappear. Update Feb 2023 I don’t take the lumbrokinase now just the Natto-Serra. Also I started using a Near Infra_red light and trying to get some sun daily. For info on how this helps check these out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YV_iKnzDRg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdiUnmpOgqE
I tried various supplements to improve mitochondria function but did not notice any additional improvement in my energy or other issues, and since these were all improving slowly anyway I discontinued these when I ran out. However, I found I did worse when I stopped recently, so after additional research I decided to keep taking an NAD+ supplement and feel it may be helping. Update Feb 2023 I recently started using Near Infra-Red Light and increased daily sunlight to improve cell function. See the links here for more information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdiUnmpOgqE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YV_iKnzDRg
Pacing and rest are critical. I try and exercise as much as possible without adverse effects or relapse. You learn this by trial and error. If you feel good, do more but only a little! This is a constant test. As of now I do resistance training for 15 minutes 3 days a week and walk 3 or 4 miles 3 days a week depending on how I feel. I used to do these all 6 days a week. It has take a year to get from nothing back to where I am now. I do stretching exercises every day. Different muscle groups may be in pain on different days so there is always an adjustment in what I do. In warm weather I get ½ hour of sun bathing 2 or 3 times a week.
Breathing exercise
I do the Oxygen Advantage breathing exercise 5 times during my walks. I exhale and hold my breath for a number of steps until I have a fairly strong need to breathe and resume breathing. I immediately take 5 deep breaths and keep walking. I will post a link on this. You can do this while seated as well – it just takes longer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr28p5DXQpk
Psychosomatic Healing
It is very important to understand that and disease or injury can and usually does trigger past trauma. What this means is that when old painful experiences are activated by your present condition, or any stress, they can make your symptoms worse and/or bring in new physical or mental symptoms and other dysfunctions. This is why meditation and deep relaxation are so important in that these practices can reduce or even turn off this response. But ultimately if through some process or therapy you can resolve the old issues that are affecting you, you can experience much relief. Personally I use a process called ID-R to heal these things. You will find more information on this HERE at the Personal Insight Program website. Self-Hypnosis and various other tools can also help. It is very important to keep a positive attitude no matter what!
Meditation and Deep Relaxation
I do a deep relaxation meditation every day for at least 15 minutes. I believe this is one of the most important things we can do for our health and well being. Watch this video on the “relaxation response:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBCsFuoFRp8 More information here also: https://www.personalinsightprogram.com/deep-relaxation/ I also do 2 hours of Zen meditation daily, which helps with my attitude among many other things. Here is a link to my own guided relaxation audio: Dropbox PIP-Guided-Deep-Relaxation.mp3?rlkey=c1g2fu18tbx0vw3xx5tdcr6ar&dl=0
Getting lots of good quality sleep and rest is an important key to recovery. When my sleep quality was very bad, conscious deep relaxation and meditation were extremely helpful Once I stopped needing to walk around several times a night to prevent cramps I was still waking up every hour. I tried CBD oil internally to no effect. But the first night after smoking marijuana I slept for 6 hours straight. It was like a miracle! That seemed to reset my sleeping pattern so that I only needed to use it a few more times before my sleep was back t normal. Note I do take a small amount of melatonin every night (300 mcg). Whenever I tried more I would wake up very groggy. I also follow all the basic guidelines for good sleep hygiene. Check out this link for getting better sleep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvqeWcPwd2o
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
There are good studies showing the value of Transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve in CFS and related autoimmune disorders. I’ve started doing one tVNS session daily using a TENS 7000. More info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkC9RVFhlX8 Update Feb 2023 I stopped using the TENS and just do manual stimulation which you can find on YouTube.
Sodium is not restricted but is usually below 2400 mg
Fat is not restricted but no trans-fat and mostly mono and LCFA
No sugar
No artificial sweeteners (occasionally pure Stevia)
Minimal grains ** some whole grain nut bread
No cheese, ice cream, or other milk products except butter (only due to being a migraine trigger)
No nuts – nothing fermented, no soy products (only due to being a migraine trigger)
“Half-caf” coffee – 1 cup daily Update Feb 2023— I added a 2nd cup of decaf – coffee is great for health in many ways.
Shitake mushrooms dried 1 tsp daily ( also eat a lot of whole mushrooms)
Vegetable juice – 8 oz
eggs – pasture raised or cage free
grass fed beef
organic, chicken
wild Pacific Salmon
Beans – Dennison’s Chile (pinto), great Northern,
Potatoes – gold or red Update Feb 2023 I cut out potatoes to limit carbs
Vegetables – broccoli, chard, tomatoes, celery, lettuce, zuccini, onions, kale, carrots, parsnips, mushrooms, beets, etc Three or more of these every day
Fruits – melons, oranges, apples, blueberries – pomegranate juice – strawberries – one serving of some of these several times a week but the berries are especially important
Olive oil – Coconut oil – Butter
Sesame seed oil * in cooking only
Flax seed meal ** occasional
Supplements – this list is old so I crossed out what I am not taking as of May 2024
Update May 2024 I crossed out everything I am not currently taking but there are some I would continue to take if I could afford it, including lactoferrin and curcumin.
February 5, 2023 Regarding the lists below here are some updates: I am no longer taking the following: Quercetin, Monolaurin, Lumbrokinase, Butyric Acid, Hesperidin, Rutin, but I get the bioflavinoids in my food. The monolaurin is periodic (see above). I recently added broccoli sprouts (for the sufurophane etc) and 1 TBS cacao nibs (dark chocolate would do but I’ve eliminated sugar), and 1 TBS Black Sesame seeds. I may soon try a Broccoli Sprout powder supplement)
Vitamins and supplements I am currently taking daily (many for last year or more:
Monolaurin 2000 mg* – for ten days once every 2 months
Nattokinase 2000 FU*
Serrapeptase 40,000 PSU*Lumbrokinase 20 mg*Lactoferrin (apo) 500 mg*Butyric Acid (Butyrate) 500 mg
Bromelain 500 x2 with meals
NAD+ (Niagen) 300mg
Vitamin A 5,000 IU every other day
Vitamin C 5000 mg
Vitamin B complex 25 mg varied + extra B12 once a week
Niacin (flush) 100 mg
Thiamin 100 mg
Vitamin E 400 IU
Vitamin D 4000 IU
Co Enzyme Q10 Ubiquinone 200 mg
Vitamin K2 45 mcg
Iodine 3 mg Lugol’s daily (one drop in water once a week)
Omega-3 oils caps 2400 mg +NAC 150 mg 3 times a week
Melatonin 3 mcg nightly
Taurine 500 mg
Lutein 20 mg
Magnesium 500 mg as Magnesium GlycinateCalcium 200 mg
Minerals trace minerals (Zn 25, Boron 1 mg, Cu, Se etc)
Probiotics Seven days per month (Garden of Life Women’s formula)
Grape seed extract 2400 mg*
Resveratrol 25 mg
Ginkgo 120 mg
Curcumin (optimized) 800*
Ashwagandha 450 mg
Green Tea Extract 400 mg
Lion’s Mane 1500 mg
Hesperadin 500 mgRutin 450 mgLuteolin 50 mgQuercetin 500 mg *
* means divided doses – usually morning and night
Herbs: Turmeric 1 tsp – ginger ¼ tsp – black pepper ¼ tsp, Beetroot Powder ½ tsp, Cacao powder ¼ tsp, Calcium powder ¼ tsp, Ceylon Cinnamon ¼ tsp, moringa powder ½ tsp, pomegranate powder ½ tsp – all mixed in 8 oz of vegetable juice with 5 g vitamin C powder (with added salt). I call it “mud” and It tastes horrible so I wash it down with hot coffee.